Feed your brain to find calm and balance.

Personalized coaching to rebuild your brain's natural feel-good systems, so you can embrace motherhood as it was designed - with energy, confidence & joy.

As a mom of four who was hating who I was becoming and stopped at nothing to find a way to overcome my own self-sabotaging emotions, I know right now that…

You’re eternally exhausted with no time for rest and there’s never any peace & quiet.

There’s no place to escape, the house is falling apart, and your brain is fried.

Life is spinning out of control; you feel like a bad mom & you’re surviving one day at a time.

Your heart might want more kids, but family life is driving you crazy and you’d throw in the towel right now if you could.

You snap when things aren’t “just right,” then beat yourself up inside for not living up to your lofty ideals.

You want to be the mom who has it all together with a peaceful home and well-behaved kids.

You want to let the stress of life roll off your back, remain calm and be emotionally stable for your family.

It just feels SO out of reach!

I know, because for six years I battled the overwhelm, exhaustion and irritability that I thought just came with the territory of motherhood until I learned a natural, sustainable way to overcome it.

If this sounds like your life right now, you’re in the right place mama.

{Insert long, tight, bear hug}

I’m Lindsey Marie and I work with exhausted moms like you who want to feel good, parent with grace and find the energy to own their day!

I was doing all the things I thought I should be doing to take care of myself. I ate strictly Paleo. I was working out multiple times per week. I was taking 1 night a week to do something just for me. My husband and I had a weekly date night. Just the two of us were getting away for long weekends about 4 times per year. I went to counseling. Weekly chiropractor visits. Massages. Prayer. Church.

I was yelling at my kids. I was barking at my husband. I was screaming into my pillow on a regular basis. Beating myself up. I was hating who I was becoming and I knew if something didn’t change I was going to ruin my family.

I was doing ALL the things that I thought I should be doing to be happy and healthy. And it wasn’t working.

A friend introduced me to the idea of replenishing my neurotransmitters and I was instantly fascinated and equally overwhelmed. I mean, it was neuroscience after all, and I could barely get out of my pajamas.

What I did understand was that it wasn't my fault or a character flaw that was affecting my mood. I started to believe there was a very logical reason I was feeling the way I did and there was a way to feel better without pharmaceutical drugs!

We've all been here

Putting on a show

Millions of moms are secretly struggling with the same overwhelming emotions and stress as you, even if they appear to have it all together. You are not alone in feeling like a failure, drowning in anxiety, or losing your mind. However, this doesn't have to be your normal.

We've all been here

no one takes care of mom

You have devoted your life to your family and made countless sacrifices to meet the needs of your loved ones. However, in doing so, you have neglected your own basic needs, leading to feelings of failure and a loss of control. The good news is that this does not have to be your fate.

We've all been here

monster mom

You are sleep-deprived, undernourished, and constantly stressed. You are bound to become irritable and angry at any moment, which takes a toll on your family. As the role model for your kids and the glue who holds your family together, you can't afford to live in constant chaos.

Even though the world may tell you that this is normal and a temporary phase, the world is wrong. It's important to remember that this is a time that you should be able to enjoy. Trust me, I've been there and am on the other side!

We've all been here

Discuss The OBSTACLEs that hit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus 

libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse 

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vestibulum euismod justo lorem. 

Want to know what’s missing? It’s not willpower.

And it SURE isn't more "self-care." {insert eye roll}

It’s brain chemistry!

When your body is properly supported for optimal brain function, your natural feel-good systems turn back on and you become the happy mom God intended you to be.

Any attempt at self care without adequate brain chemistry is a fleeting moment and you'll find yourself right back where you were because you didn't ACTUALLY care for your brain the way it's asking you to.

When your brain gets what it needs and starts firing on all cylinders, all the things that SHOULD have been working all along - like therapy, exercising, and spa days - ACTUALLY start working!

As a Certified Nutrition Coach

from the Academy of Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, I deeply understand the unique nutritional needs vital for a mother's mental health and well-being.

In my program, Feeling Good in Motherhood, we dive into identifying and addressing specific nutritional gaps that can profoundly affect your mental state. This isn't about complex diets or unrealistic health fads. It's about practical, everyday choices that fit into your busy life as a mom.

Imagine starting your day feeling energized and ready, instead of overwhelmed and exhausted.

Picture yourself handling the daily challenges of parenting with a calm, centered mindset, and having the mental clarity to enjoy those precious moments with your kids, whether it's reading a bedtime story without feeling drained or playing in the park without that foggy brain.

By feeding your brain the right nutrients and uncovering the underlying causes of your mental health challenges, I can help you wake up happy and navigate motherhood with renewed energy, joy, and a sense of your true self!

You deserve to feel great, not only for your family, but for you!

Imagine the positive changes you will experience once you start supporting your brain chemistry with the same dedication you put into caring for others.

  • Effortlessly ticking off tasks on your list while still having plenty of time and energy for your family.

  • Filling your home with love and happiness by being the best 'you' that you can be for your family.

  • Feeling proud of who you are, focusing on what really matters, and learning to let go of the small stuff without a second thought.

  • Feeling a deeper connection with God and discovering new ways to live out your true purpose.

  • Finding parenting more enjoyable and less stressful, with all the energy and balance you need to take good care of both your family and yourself.

When you prioritize rebuilding your brain, you'll feel happier, your family will follow your lead, & you'll be proud of the mother you've become.


"Feeling Good in Motherhood: A Makeover for Your Mood!"

A custom tailored mood transformation for moms who want to live and parent with grace.

I’ll teach you how to replenish and sustain your natural, God-given neurotransmitters in order to restore your mood and function at your best.

And I’ll hold space for you to lose your shit and share your joy as you make undeniable, lasting changes that help you reach your full potential and feel your very best.

During this four-month transformation, you’ll learn the importance of supporting your family’s greatest asset – your mood!

What Lindsey's Clients Say...


I started working with her after baby number 5. I was exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. Postpartum was taking a toll on my system. I had tried traditional medicine and it was only offering a small amount of relief. After just one dose of Gaba I knew there was something to this.

Now six months after starting amino therapy, I am able to smile through the crazy of caring for my active and fun family. The angry explosive mama is at bay. My husband has seen so much progress in my mental health that he is now taking aminos as well.

I highly recommend working with Lindsey. She’s not only amazing at what she does, she has a heart of gold. She will go the extra mile to help understand your needs and support your journey to becoming the fun loving, full of grace mama God designed you to be.


Lindsey was such a blessing to me when I was going through some pretty severe trauma after a divorce. She taught me about how the receptors in my brain were on rapid fire and unable to regulate through this time, and that it was perfectly normal.

I have found a much better and more peaceful balance through stressful situations because of her help and what I learned during our time together. Aminos are wonderful. So nice to have natural healing tools in my supplement cupboard.

"I felt heard and supported in my struggle."

I was surprised to feel such an immediate effect with some of the amino acids. I also noticed change over time. The relief I felt was quite significant. My mind is in such a better place now and I am really thankful that she was there to respond when I reached out. Truly an answer to prayer.

Feeling Good In Motherhood will teach you how to...

  • Focus on filling nutrient gaps and incorporate amino acid supplements to boost your mood, enhance your energy, and build your confidence, empowering you to be the best mom you can be.

  • Improve your quality of sleep, energy levels and focus so you can navigate motherhood with ease, handle stress more effectively, and be the loving anchor your family relies on.

  • Recalibrate your mood in the midst of stress and chaos, so you can remain calm and focused, providing a peaceful and loving environment for your family even on the toughest days.

  • Make your emotional well-being a priority for yourself and your family, so you can be more present, patient, and joyful in every moment you spend with your children.

What's Included

Welcome Call

We start by understanding your unique journey – your health history, past efforts, and goals, ensuring a tailored experience right from the start so you can feel confident that your journey is personalized and aligned with your needs.

Custom Supplement Protocol

Begin replenishing your feel-good systems with a personalized supplement plan, carefully adjusted as we learn about your body's unique needs so you can enjoy a mood boost that's just right for you – it's a plan that truly understands and adapts to your individual needs. (And just to be clear, I do not sell supplements through an MLM).

Private Coaching

You'll have direct access to me for daily support so you can navigate the ups and downs with expert guidance and feel supported every step of the way, making sure this journey is impactful and lasting.

Unlimited Mood Checkups

Regular assessments to gauge your progress and tackle any challenges proactively so you can keep track of your improvements and make adjustments as needed for continuous progress.

Feeling Good in Motherhood Course

  • Neurotransmitters 101

    Boosting Mood with the Right Chemical Messengers

  • Feeding Your Brain

    The Importance of Nutrition for Mood

  • Amino Acids 101

    How to Take Them for Best Results

  • Eating for Your Body

    Learning to Listen and Respond to Its Needs

  • Meal Planning Makeover

    Streamlining Your Routine & Saving Time on Grocery Shopping

  • Let Glucose Be Your Guide

    Monitoring and Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels

  • Digging Deeper

    Uncovering More Root Causes of Negative Emotions

  • Beyond the Finish Line

    Sustaining a Good Mood for Life

Daily Mood Tracker

Track your mood and food daily with a simple emailed worksheet, see your progress throughout the program, and make correlations between your eating habits and how you feel.

Live Q & A Sessions

Monthly group calls because sometimes it's easier to talk things out and there's always something to learn from others' experiences.

Advanced Lab Testing

  • Food Intolerances

    Eat the foods that elevate your mood & avoid the ones that don't

  • Minerals & Toxic Elements

    Balance essential minerals & detox

  • Intestinal Dysbiosis Lab

    Optimize your gut health for mental clarity

  • Liver Lab

    Enhance liver function for overall well-being

  • Food Additive Lab

    Discover how food additives are sabotaging your mood

How Much Is This Going To Be?

You could spend $2,000 to $20,000 on hormone therapy, adrenal support, or thyroid treatments. Important, yes, but they often miss teaching you how to handle stress. Without that, even thousands spent might not stop the burnout cycle.

Then there’s therapy – great, but not cheap, and if your brain chemistry's off, it might feel like you're just spinning your wheels.

And prescription drugs? With insurance, they're affordable, but the side effects and breaking your no-medication promise? That's a different cost altogether.

Now, imagine the lost moments – the joy you miss with your kids, the productivity drops, and forgetting who you used to be. Can you put a price on that?

Look at it this way - the investment in 'Feeling Good in Motherhood' pays off in ways you can't even quantify.

  • With the peace and happiness you'll bring into your home...

  • And the precious time you'll reclaim for yourself and your family...

  • And the SKILLS and STRATEGIES you'll learn to maintain your uplifted state of mind and nurture your family, time and time again - literally for generations to come - because you ARE that powerful...

After just one month in the program, all of my clients have reported improved mental health - and they've barely gotten started!

How Much Is This Going To Be?

You could spend $2,000 to $20,000 on hormone therapy, adrenal support, or thyroid treatments. Important, yes, but they often miss teaching you how to handle stress. Without that, even thousands spent might not stop the burnout cycle.

Then there’s therapy – great, but not cheap, and if your brain chemistry's off, it might feel like you're just spinning your wheels.

And prescription drugs? With insurance, they're affordable, but the side effects and breaking your no-medication promise? That's a different cost altogether.

Now, imagine the lost moments – the joy you miss with your kids, the productivity drops, and forgetting who you used to be. Can you put a price on that?

Look at it this way - the investment in 'Feeling Good in Motherhood' pays off in ways you can't even quantify.

  • With the peace and happiness you'll bring into your home...

  • And the precious time you'll reclaim for yourself and your family...

  • And the SKILLS and STRATEGIES you'll learn to maintain your uplifted state of mind and nurture your family, time and time again - literally for generations to come - because you ARE that powerful...

After just one month in the program, all of my clients have reported improved mental health - and they've barely gotten started!

Make the choice to start feeling good now!

A Makeover For Your Mood!

What's Included

Welcome Call

Custom Supplement Protocol

4 Months of Coaching:

Continuous Updates To The Supplement Protocol

Private Coaching Through Messaging

Twice Monthly Live Q & A Sessions

Daily Mood Tracker

Unlimited Access to The Mood Checkup

Discounts on Labs & Supplements

Lifetime Access To:

Feeling Good in Motherhood Course

The Sisterhood of Grit & Grace: Online Community

Self-Screening Tools to Assess Root Causes

Feeling Good in Motherhood

Program Options

Feeling Good in Motherhood

Program Options

What Lindsey's Clients Say...

"She has saved my life and given me hope when I felt like I had none. "

“I am so incredibly grateful for Lindsey Marie’s expertise and guidance. She has saved my life and given me hope when I felt like I had none. She is compassionate and so knowledgeable. Willing to help at any time! I don’t know what I would have done without her help truly.”

"I recently slept for the first time since covid [in 6 months] without the use of any sleep aids!"

“I remain so grateful for the support and knowledge of Lindsey Marie in designing a supportive supplement program. I feel amazing and did I mention that I recently slept for the first time since COVID [in 6 months] without the use of any sleep aids?!

"I felt I could be completely honest about the things I was struggling with, and there was no judgement whatsoever. "

I have had so much improvement in my mental health. I was at the point where I was considering going to the doctor to get on meds, after trying what I thought was every possible natural remedy. Not only did the amino acids help my anxiety, depression, mood, energy, and eating habits, but I also was able to quit coffee cold turkey without any negative side effects!

I no longer need to take every amino acid she had on my original list, but I do keep some on hand that I feel help with my energy levels in the morning and my sleep quality at night. I’ve sent so many other struggling moms to Lindsey because what she offers is a miracle to mom’s struggling with mental health!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

The course is self-paced and can be comfortably completed in 4 months, but you have lifetime access to go at your own pace. We also have optional monthly group calls and a 40-minute welcome call. Plus, you’ll receive optional daily check-ins sent straight to your email for consistent support.

Who is this program for?

The Feeling Good in Motherhood program is here for all women on their motherhood journey, regardless of the stage they are in. Whether you're a young mom, an empty nester, a grandmother, or even if you're not a mom in the traditional sense but find yourself connecting with the messages and goals of this program, you are welcome here. While the program is not designed for those who are currently pregnant, I encourage expecting moms to reach out to me privately for specialized guidance.

Is this program suitable if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Whether you're breastfeeding or planning another pregnancy, this program supports mothers in various family stages. It helps you navigate each phase with strength. However, it's not specifically designed for pregnant moms. If you’re expecting, please contact me directly for specialized guidance.

Am I going to have to change or restrict what I eat?

While you might need to adjust your diet, the main focus is on ensuring you’re eating protein every 3-4 hours. Being open to dietary changes is crucial. Your body will give you signals about what works for you, and adapting accordingly is key to your well-being.

How long will it take to start feeling better?

Everyone’s journey is unique, but the great news is that everyone who has gone through the Feeling Good in Motherhood program has reported an elevated mood within just one month of starting the program, thanks to the brain’s quick response when it gets what it needs.

I've tried everything else. How do I know this will help?

If nothing seems to improve your mood, it might be because the root cause hasn't been addressed. This program zeroes in on enhancing your stress tolerance at its core, providing a solution that goes beyond what other methods offer. It delves deep into the underlying issues, paving the way for the lasting change you've been seeking.

I have more questions. How can I get ahold of Lindsey Marie?

Don’t hesitate to send her an email or reach out through a private message on Facebook.

If you still haven't enrolled, let me be clear:

This could change EVERYTHING!

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin

Do not look back a year from now and regret all the moments you didn’t embrace with your kids.

Make the choice to start feeling good now!

I'm praying for you to blossom.

Make the choice to start feeling good now!

A Makeover For Your Mood

What's Included

Welcome Call

Custom Supplement Protocol

4 Months of Coaching:

Continuous Updates To The Supplement Protocol

Private Coaching Through Messaging

Twice Monthly Live Q & A Sessions

Daily Mood Tracker

Unlimited Access to The Mood Checkup

Discounts on Labs & Supplements

Lifetime Access To:

Feeling Good in Motherhood Course

The Sisterhood of Grit & Grace: Online Community

Self-Screening Tools to Assess Root Causes